HVAC engineering and design provides solutions to achieve our client’s objective for a safe and healthy work atmosphere. Our HVAC engineers design HVAC systems for offices, conference rooms, Labs, Clean Rooms, and hazardous (classified) location pressurization systems.
Dust Control designs are tailored for each dust generating operation to minimize employee exposure and collect fugitive dust. Our HVAC engineers design dust collection systems that routinely involve combustible dust which requires providing additional safeguards for a safe and effective dust control system.
Plumbing system designs are laid out and sized to meet our client’s needs and code requirements. Our plumbing designers are specialized in potable water distribution systems, sanitary waste and vent systems, storm water sewers, process sewers, safety showers/eyewash stations, and hot water heating systems.
Fire Protection design involves the evaluation of potential hazards and recommending extinguishing systems based on life safety requirements and property loss prevention. Our engineers are very familiar with NFPA’s and FM Global’ s recommendations for handling, dispensing, and storing hazardous chemicals.